It was a pleasant afternoon in July. I was sitting with a book and a pair of binoculars in the verandah.....and you guessed right..not much reading was happening. There was not much activity and I was getting drowsy.. Soon I was joined by Tara and we were generally lazing around.We shortly heard this maniacal laughter coming from the direction of the gate. Both of us were immediately up...Hornbills..we ran to the gate ( luckily we remembered to pick up the camera) We had seen a couple of Malabar grey hornbills flying around in the jamoon tree near the gate and we headed in that direction, scanning at tree level for the birds.
And then , in my peripheral vision, I noticed there was something on the car...and this is what we found.
Pic by Tara.and this is at bokkapuram.
Nandita :)
SOOOPER PIC!!! And we need more posts from you...
Awesome! It looks quite at home on the car!
Awww... Doesn't someone look at home on the scorpio.. Nice pic and nice article... We need more though to brighten up an otherwise dull day in crowded metros... Special request from those who cant make it to Bokka for a loong while...:)
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